Return policy

Worry-Free Guarantee

We offer first time customers who purchase any product a full refund on their first order with EZ Lifestyle within 30 days of purchase. There are no refunds available for users who purchase via the Sweatcoin App or International Orders outside of North America.

To be eligible for a refund we require the customer to return all goods purchased to our USA or Canadian office. Once the goods have been received EZ will reinstate a return minus shipping and handling.

Refunds will not be given to repeat or recurring customers. When buying EZ Lifestyle, only the price of the unit(s) will be refunded, no shipping or additional units will be refunded. Any purchase with subscription begins an auto-refill membership, making the first order (whether free or fully paid) the customer’s first purchase as this is the point at which you get to try the product(s) risk-free. Any subsequent order is considered a repeat/recurring order and will not be refunded.

To request a refund, please email

Energize. Sleep. Recover.

Dream EZ: restful sleep

A natural sleep supplement crafted to help you conquer insomnia and sleep better.

Shop from $19.99

Over EZ: hangover prevention

A next generation alcohol aid that's engineered to prevent hangovers before you get them.

Shop from $22.95

Fuel EZ: daily energy

A natural energy supplement that helps you charge through that afternoon slump.

Shop from $10.99